On Thursday the 14th May my little nephew Taylor made his appearance into the world. He arrived weighing 7lbs 7oz and 21in long. It was a planned c-section and everything went well. As an interested by-stander I'm not sure what I think about the 'planned' birth. I was on tenderhooks all morning and afternoon not knowing but hoping everything was OK. They were originally booked in for 12:30 and once I hadn't heard anything by 2:30 my imagine began to get the better of me. As it turned out I got a phone call about 4:30 from Emily letting me know the news and that both Mum and baby were great!
The following day Myself, Anna, Orrin, Adam, Aunty Pam and Aunty Janette made the trek into the Royal Alec in Edmonton have a peak at the latest addition to the Blackmore/Thomas family. I took my fancy camera in with me and managed to capture these little gems!
WOW What a cutie pie and BEAUTIFUL pictures Sarah!!!! It's the best being an Aunt!
Thanks Amanda! I have been just LOVING playing with my camera...so addicting!
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