So as a rule I don't make new year resolutions because, quite frankly, I don't keep them! However record keeping for our family is something that I actually love to do, but I just haven't been motivated enough to do. This year I decided that I am going to try really hard to blog on a regular basis, and if no-one reads it, I'm ok with that, at least our family has a journal of sorts.
Ok so here I go...A big reason why I haven't blogged in a while is because I am exhausted! Eighteen months ago a friend and I took over a busy little soup and sandwich place in our little Village of Breton. As everyone knows who has had their own business, that you are married to said business and barely have enough time to pick your own nose! (sorry for that visual image...phew it's a good thing no-one reads this!) As busy as our little shop was before we bought it, we have almost doubled it's business, so yeah, I'm proud, but mostly just tired.
My boy Jakey (who is snuggled up right on me as I type) is 11. Oh my 11! He is halfway through grade 6. December at school he received citizen of the month and as if that isn't enough of an honor, he also gets his photo up on the wall of the office for an entire month! Apparently he was beside himself excited and even received a standing ovation at the school assembly.
My girl Anna Banana is 10 and in grade 5. Anna likes me a bit less than Jake so at this moment is playing Donkey Kong Country on the Wii. She still likes school, although the novelty has worn a little thinner over the years, and is very liked by the students and teachers alike. Anna and I are becoming aquarists together and enjoying the steep learning curve that is fish-keeping.
And then there is my Peanut (AKA Orrin). My baby is 6 going on 55. He knows more than everyone about everything and is the strongest and fastest 6 year old going on old man you would have ever had the pleasure of meeting! He is in grade 1 and although claims to hate school, I think that deep down he hates it less than he likes to let on. While he does claim to hate everything that has to do with school, he does enjoy snowboarding, ice skating, playing on the wii and running up and down the kitchen, jumping over the couch and thereby creating holes in his jeans.
The love of my life is as sweet and kind as ever, and also very busy. He not only works full-time as a operator and or foreman, he also has his own excavator and is a volunteer fire fighter for Station 2. In his ahem 'spare' time, he loves to spend it with his family and pretty well every Sunday we all get a hearty brunch made by him and his cooking side-kick, Orrin.
The Blue Bullet (AKA 2000 Dodge Caravan) was placed into retirement by a 2012 Cherry Black Kia Sorrento. Car buying was quite honestly one of the most stressful episodes in my life and if I never had to do it again, I would be OK with that.
We finished our kitchen reno's (well mostly). We still have fiddle little things to do, but it is functional and beautiful and that is all I care about!
My darling Mum came to visit (well lets call it what it was : work) for 3 months this past summer. It was only supposed to be for 2 months but because we stayed so busy at the shop she extended her stay. Holly came with her, but didn't stay quite as long. Then my Dad came out for a few weeks also. It was lovely having the family out and the kiddos also had a blast.
The biggest news so far (actually, who am I kidding, it doesn't get much bigger than this) is da datda....our upcoming trip to Australia!!!!! Yay I am so excited I can hardly contain it. Still in the process of getting cheapest flights etc but it is going to happen! Late February or early March looks like, so fingers crossed no amazing deals slip through our fingers.
My resolution actually comes in two parts, the latter being photo taking. I have also been just awful with that as well. So with an updated blog will come updated pictures....
I'll be reading and holding you to your resolution ;) Sounds like you have a very busy life at the moment! I miss my new kitchen that we left last year *sigh*. Enjoy yours!!
YEAH! I LOVE your resolution ;) I too agree that blogging is a great theory, but you my lady have been SUPER busy and I'm glad that you have made this resolution because I love reading the updates with your family!
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