Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Veggie Patch - Saturday May 23

While Pam was up she came over to work in our yard one saturday. It was a beautiful day and Jesse had organised for a local man to come over with his tractor to rottotill our garden plot. What should have taken us several hours to do, only took him 10 minutes. Now we could get planting, well Jesse, Pam and Anna could and I was on Jakey and Orrin duty.

Orrin had his friend Kurtis over, which ended badly with poor Kurtis getting sunscreen in his eyes so I took him home and once I had the boys under control I decided to take some pics of the days effort. They planted beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, sunflowers, brussel sprouts and corn. Anna got to write on the sticks, hence the "beats".

Aunty Pam

Along with the arrival of baby Taylor, also came Aunt Pam and Aunt Janette (Jesse's younger sisters). Janette was only able to stay for a few days, but Pam was here to look after Adam during and after the birth of Taylor. It was great to see them both and the kids were super excited. Pam got to be here for a month and we were able to spend lots of time together.

Ray had his birthday and Pam wanted to make him something special. She made a Raspberry White Chocolate baked cheesecake. Oh my was it ever delicious!!! She also put on a scrummy spread of ribs, salad and potatoes for the adults and hot dogs for the kids. Ray got a deepfryer and 'The Office' game...which we are still yet to play! Hey whats with that Emily? Actually I probbaly need to watch the episodes again before I play the game!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

May (although it is June)

It is terrible that June seems to be almost over and here I am hardly even blogged for May. My intentions are good, but boy do I have a lot of catching up to do!

We have been keeping busy during the day with home schooling and other activities in the community. On Monday's Orrin goes to Bonnies and Anna and I play golf (well at least thats the plan, so far it hasn't worked out like that!), Tuesdays is gym at the community centre and then soccer in the afternoon, Wednesday we are at home during school hours and then golf, Thursday is library and then soccer and Fridays we go to drop-in at Brighter Futures.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So May has finally come to an end! Kids Night Out went well, there didn't seem to be as many people as previous years, but I can safely say that is was a hit. Anna and I have decided to hang up our dancing shoes for this next coming dance year (at least) and expand our horizons.

I have joined the local fire department which will keep me busy one night a week with training at the fire hall plus all the calls I will be required to go out on. The majority of calls are car accidents as we live by a major highway. House fires are common in the winter. So far I have been enjoying it but it is all still very new. I have only been going to training for two weeks and am still to be fitted for my bunker gear. I did get to go in one of the trucks though to scope out a residential area that is somewhat of a fire hazard. It was pretty neat.

Anna started golf a couple of weeks ago for the 2nd year and has become something of a star around the Breton golf course. Apparently the break over winter hasn't slowed her down any and if she plays her cards right she may be nominated for a golf camp next spring that runs for the whole season at a golf course in central Alberta. One of her teachers has taken her under her wing and will help her develop as much as she can till the time when she needs to have lessons with a pro. Without dance being in the picture next year, we can make golf more of a focus. There are indoor places that she can go to in Edmonton when the courses are closed over winter.